The core of all our business is based on the knowledge and experience of our Directors, Dr. David Faraday and Ms. Shirley Wardell.

David spent twelve years as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey, where he consistently received outstanding feedback for his teaching and won a range of teaching and research grants. As Industrial Placement Tutor for Chemical Engineering, David found it was easier to get students placements, and subsequently jobs, if they had received training in Leadership, Team Working, Problem Solving and Communication. David left academia in 2003 to run Evolve Leadteam with Shirley and has been an adventurous, popular trainer ever since.

David is a Fellow of the External link opens in new tab or windowHigher Education Academy, a Member of the External link opens in new tab or windowInstitution of Chemicals Engineers and a External link opens in new tab or windowChartered Engineer. David is also a Key Associate of the External link opens in new tab or windowAdvance HE and an Associate of Adair International.


Shirley qualified as a Time to Think Consultant in 1997 and has depended on Nancy Kline's Thinking Environment to create ideal learning conditions.  Innovation, creativity,  problem solving, team building and  conflict all need a safe space to progress.  Shirley is on the Time to Think Faculty  and can teach all the qualifying courses.
Shirley has delivered leadership, coaching and facilitation in Government Departments, Higher Education, External link opens in new tab or windowAdvance HE, International Bodies and Commercial Organisations. Shirley brings her arts background to the design of her training which makes them lively, impactful and resonant. Shirley worked as a Recruitment Consultant for 5 years which gave her a good understanding of a wide range of industries.  Shirley trained as a Drama Teacher and has an MA in Coaching Supervision. Shirley is a Green Party member and active in local politics.